Monday, April 28, 2008

Fun Loving People


If you’re looking for somebody who is not worrying too much
Earth Day inspite of all the difficulties they are facing, I can say, Filipinos are the one you’re looking for. TuxedoYeah..... They can even give a genuine smile, laugh and jokes Too Happy 2 even to the most critical part of their lives. They handle problems so light, even it’s heavy, and serious, and could be... optimistic forever! Body Builder

Who say’s Filipinos are poor???
Na-na-na-na Hmm…. look at the malls, you will see those people never tired of shopping. Shopping 3 And not just that, they do it, anytime of the day, with or without sale. Even they are trapped in a minimum wage, still you can see them wearing in the latest fashion, Famous 2 and having mobile phones. Exec Yeah......

Every Filipinos are like bamboo, they can bend on the wind without being uprooted by it.
Fingers Crossed They prepare to be funny and have fun during their hard times. Cheer Up They believe that, there is always a better tomorrow, It's All Good a new hope and all problems has its own solution. heheheeh...... (Although sometimes, some don’t know the solution at all but still believe it has solution!) Tongue bheee....... Hmm…I guess because they never fail trusting and leaving everything to God. That’s good thing huh! Be Cool

Light Bulb “Don’t Worry. Be Happy!”
Thumbs UpThey never forget to quote.
That's why I'm proud to be a Filipino!!!!
Clapping Hands